Saturday, September 17, 2011

Why use Joomla for your Web Architecture

Joomla has a proven track record in the field of web construction. The system has been well tried and tested over the years and any weaknesses or failing can be reported and the Joomla community will act to clear the issue

Author: David Horbury

Joomla has a proven track record in the field of web construction. The system has been well tried and tested over the years and any weaknesses or failing can be reported and the Joomla community will act to clear the issue. Design of any software needs to be considered similar to the shark. If the shark stopped swimming then it would drown and the same with software. Improvements in functionality and design need to be continually occurring other wise the product will die. Joomla community has that feeding frenzy around it which produces this constant need to ensure the product is functioning at its highest level.
Why is Joomla community so successful even though Joomla is free? Well the plug-in and modules which change the standard in a special web page come from the Joomla community who charge you for such ‘trinkets of gold'. Creating a standard web site has always been part of the web developer's stock in trade. Once a web designer was given the work to precede then the starting point for the web site would be a template. This was a familiar environment for the designer and would use the template to create the structure from which to make the unique aspects of the site. This 5 minute build would then be the starting point for the real work to begin. Joomla has therefore produced a similar type of instrument which takes 5 mins to build and the structure is familiar to thousands of developers. Therefore if you have a problem with your web designer at least you have the comfort of knowing there are developers out there who can carry on with the site and not have to start from the beginning again.
The structure of Joomla is made up of Mysql and PHP both products which have a strong support and longevity in place. Once Joomla is installed a user can easily navigate ,update and make changes to the site without the need to know how to programme in Php or Mysql. Time spent re inventing the wheel is a waste of time what users want a web site which is being constantly refreshed with all the latest news from the company in a manner which can be quickly and easily accessed. Remember the user only has a 1minute time frame burying information in a web site is one of the major causes of a site having a high click through rate.
Training for a Joomla site is quick and simple, because there are good free tutorials about in  You Tube and pdf,s and secondly the Joomla itself as a good forum of helpful users who can help first time users over the problems they face. Once the designer has finished creating the site the user can continue inputting the changes on the site. This enables users to reduce the cost of maintenance and to ensure the site never becomes old and outdated.

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