What if you could post all around the world on craigslist with just a click of a button? In this post I will show you how to post multiple ads all around the world on craigslist, and make more money than you could imagine.
I never thought of the benefit of posting to multiple locations, until I learnt how to. I went from posting just a few ads into a few locations and earning a little bit of money per day to posting tons of ads within minutes and making hundreds of dollars a day.
Once you figure out how to post to multiple locations with a click of a button it is just craigslist smooth sailing from then on.Why? because more people see your website and buy your craigslist product and put more money in your pocket.
The first thing you must do is to open the program, create a new campaign and give that campaign a name. Next you select what category and sub-category your campaign falls under, such as : job/customer service.
Next you input the email address that you used to open up your craigslist account .Then choose which locations you want to post your ad, here you can choose as many as you wish, from all over the world. For example, you can post an ad in france , belgium, Toronto and even New York simultaneously.
Lastly, create your ad with the same options as you have on craigslist, click on done and have your ad posted throughout craigslist with just the touch of one button.
Check out this page to get a craigslist tool that will enable you to post all over the world,make easy money with just one click and more, http://store.payloadz.com/go?id=169017 , or watch a video on this tool http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3hS8ZEbfUQ
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/internet-marketing-articles/how-to-post-multiple-ads-and-make-tons-of-money-on-craigslist-527937.html
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